I believe in delivering the best results in the time I have with your pride & joy, customer satisfaction is paramount to me as is the quality of work I turn out. At VII Car Care you won't find a big set up, and you won't be pressured into having services you don't need. I like to look at the car in person and discuss what you want and offer the best options on achieving that. You may find places that are cheaper and can do it in half the time, but I can assure you I deliver quality not quantity. I am fastidious about car care, it is my passion.
Why does it take so long?
Paint correction is a careful steady process, we must prepare the car first which can take up to five hours before we even get the polisher out. The car must be fully cleaned and decontaminated. Once the car has been carefully warm air dried we must tape up the exterior trim to stop those horrid white marks you may see on some cars exterior trim pieces. The paintwork is then inspected for damage, this is then followed by reading the paints thickness by a handheld machine, this is vital for any paint correction. A full report is made to record all findings. Exterior badges are carefully removed and cleaned up. We can then move onto the machine polishing, now a single stage enhancement can take from 8 -16 hours where as a multi stage correction can take from 24 - 45 hours possibly more so depending on the desired outcome. Absolutely zero corners cut, just safe techniques with multiple machines, pads, compounds, inspection lighting, and plenty of patience and knowledge on achieving the best results in the safest way.
Save 10% on my new car protection package
September is the new car frenzy! Do not be fooled into having the dealer 'ceramic coat' your new car! All I can say is, you'd be better off doing it yourself or get a professional to do it (Even if that isn't me, please save your money and have it done properly if you are thinking of that route) The dealer applied stuff is poor and no care is taken before applying it. Get in touch today to discuss your needs. For the new car protection offer, please quote 'Offer10'
This is an example of paint correction. On the left is after paint correction, and on the right is in it's original state.